by Aaron Capuano, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Nov. 15, 2016, 3:55 p.m.
Here are five magical ways you can light up your look this coming holiday season.
Timing is everything!
1. Forehead lines and crows feet, try Botox 7-10 days before your first holiday party
2. Fine lines and wrinkles, try fillers 7-9 days before your first party
3. Dull skin, a Chemical Peel is a quick way to get glowing, 10 days before said soiree
4. Laser liposuction will help beat that bulge 6 weeks before said getaway
5. Droopy and/or puffy eyelids, a simple in office Eyelid surgery 4 weeks before you can apply your holiday eye palette
Call for an appointment with Dr. Capuano at 201-820-5280