by Aaron Capuano, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Dec. 27, 2017, 3:58 p.m.
Questioning your curves? Visit Dr. Capuano for a consultation, he can help you address your concerns, let you know if it is something you should be concerned about and what options you have if surgery or minimally invasive surgery is something you choose. There are options that range from injections like Kybella to tighten up small areas of the body that have a little extra bulge to slightly more invasive options that will tighten skin as well and address a larger area of unwanted fat on the body, called laser liposuction and the most agressive would be traditional liposuction for areas of fat deposits that are stubborn and cannot be remedied by diet and excercise alone. Keep in mind that traditional liposuction does help tighten loose skin, it also is one of the easiest surgeries to recover from.