Body Contouring
The process of removing unwanted fat from stubborn areas of the body to improve the ...
Diastasis Recti is a condition that occurs when your abdominal wall fascia which is the layer that surrounds the muscles of your abdominal wall become stretched and lose the ability to return to their original positioning. This can result in your abdominal wall protruding, and can result in widening of your waistline.
Many women are diagnosed with Diastasis Recti as a condition post massive weight loss and post pregnancy. If you are interested in correcting this condition and find that diet and exercise have not gotten you to your goal, then surgical intervention (a tummy tuck) may be the next appropriate step. A thorough consultation with Dr. Capuano is important to determine whether this procedure is right for you.
In most cases your insurance company will cover the hernia portion of your surgery. The hernia portion of your surgery can be performed at the same time your diastasis recti surgery and tummy tuck are performed. You should check your specific insurance benefits to find out whether you have out of network benefits, if your plastic surgeon or general surgeon are out of network. Clinical data is required by your insurance company as proof that a hernia is present and in some cases a CT scan as well.
You may make an appointment at any time for a diastasis recti consultation with plastic surgeon Dr. Capuano in either of his Bergen County NJ locations. Please call 201-820-5280 at your convenience.
Most women who have had carried and delivered a baby have diastasis recti. This is simply because the muscles that are in your abdomen are stretched for a long period of time, causing laxity and the separation of the muscles down the mid-line of your abdomen.
You can also have diastasis recti if you have carried weight for a long period of time and lose the weight. Treatment options to correct diastasis include a traditional tummy tuck. While we see some people who have the ability to exercise and improve the area greatly, the majority of people have trouble doing it without a little help.