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Male Chest Reduction

Male Chest Reduction

Are you dissatisfied with the appearance of your chest, or concerned that your chest may seem to look more like breasts than you prefer? Have you tried everything to gain definition in your chest but nothing seems to be working?

You may suffer from a condition called gynecomastia, which is a condition characterized by the enlargement of male breast tissue. This can cause discomfort and embarrassment, especially when dedicated exercise or weight loss still hasn’t improved the sagginess of the chest. There are often subtleties with this condition and sometimes it is quite apparent. Gynecomastia can be caused by a number of things, from hormonal imbalances, certain medications, a genetic predisposition, or underlying health issues.

Our skilled plastic surgeon, Dr. Capuano, specializes in gynecomastia treatment to provide effective and lasting results for men. During your consultation, Dr. Capuano will assess your unique anatomy and discuss your surgical goals. Liposuction or skin and glandular excision may be recommended depending on whether the cause of the enlarged breasts is excessive chest fat or glandular tissue, and the condition of the skin.

Those with excess glandular tissue and no excess skin would be excellent candidates for liposuction, where non-surgical tightening options like ultrasound or laser-assisted liposuction are ideal for those with minimal excess skin. For stretched or saggy skin, surgical excision will be required. There are several incision patterns which we can review with you depending on your surgical goals and your specific anatomy. We always prioritize minimizing incisions and placing them strategically in hidden areas to achieve the most natural-looking results.

Next Step: Click here for Male Chest Reduction FAQs

Is This Surgery Right For Me?

The best candidates for gynecomastia treatment options are otherwise healthy men, who are nonsmokers, who want to reduce their breast size or who are embarrassed by the appearance of their breasts. Other common reasons to consider gynecomastia surgery include a reluctance to remove your shirt in public, social anxiety associated with having large breasts or ‘man boobs’, and desire to improve overall body proportions and contour.  Dr. Capuano can help determine if gynecomastia surgery is right for you.

Ask the Doctor

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does gynecomastia surgery take?

The procedure typically ranges from 1 to 4 hours, depending on the patient's anatomy and specific surgical needs. The duration can vary, and Dr. Capuano will tailor the surgery to achieve optimal results.

How does gynecomastia surgery for men work?

The procedure is performed under sedation or general anesthesia, depending on individual needs. Dr. Capuano may employ liposuction, excision, or a combination to sculpt the chest and create a more masculine appearance.

Where is the gynecomastia surgery performed?

The surgery is conducted under sedation or general anesthesia, on an outpatient basis. Procedures take place in a hospital or an accredited surgery center, ensuring a safe and controlled environment. The necessity of an overnight stay is determined by individual medical conditions and the extent of surgery. However, this surgery is not typically one that requires an overnight stay.

What is the expected recovery time after gynecomastia surgery?

Most patients can return to work within 5-10 days with light exercise permitted at 2-3 weeks. Strenuous activity or lifting should be avoided for 6 weeks. Bruising may last up to 3 weeks, and patients are advised to wear a light compression garment for 6 weeks. While some results are immediately noticeable, the final outcome may take 6 months to a year. Scars start to fade from 7 months up to about a year and a half.

What are the common side effects of male gynecomastia surgery?

Common side effects include bruising, swelling, soreness, temporary numbness, and surgical scars. These are part of the normal healing process and typically resolve with time and scars begin to fade over time which is based on an individual basis.

What are the surgical risks associated with gynecomastia treatment?

Risks include bleeding, infection, hematoma, permanent changes in skin or nipple sensation, scarring, nipple or breast asymmetry, prolonged swelling, and thick scars. Dr. Capuano, a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, prioritizes patient safety and discusses these risks during the consultation.

What are the benefits of gynecomastia surgery?

The benefits of gynecomastia surgery for men include improved chest contour, enhanced self-confidence, reduction in social anxiety related to chest appearance, and restoration of overall body proportions.

How can I make an appointment for a gynecomastia consultation?

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Capuano, contact the Northern Center for Plastic Surgery at (201) 820-5280. Our team will assist you in securing an appointment and provide necessary information.

Is male chest reduction the same as gynecomastia surgery?

Yes, gynecomastia surgery and male chest reduction are synonymous. "Gynecomastia surgery" is the term used for the medical diagnosis, while "male chest reduction" is a defined term. Dr. Capuano can elaborate on this during your consultation.

What qualifications does Dr. Capuano hold?

Dr. Capuano is a double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon and a proud member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. His expertise and commitment to achieving excellent results make him a trusted choice for gynecomastia surgery. Dr. Capuano is also a Board Certified General Surgeon by the American Board of Surgery. Dr. Capuano is the President-Elect for the New Jersey Society of Plastic Surgeons in addition to the Vice Chair of Plastic Surgery at the Valley Hospital.

Can I discuss my specific goals with Dr. Capuano before the surgery?

Absolutely! Dr. Capuano encourages open communication during consultations. Feel free to discuss your goals, concerns, and expectations, allowing for a personalized approach to your gynecomastia treatment.

Are the results of gynecomastia surgery permanent?

Following post-surgery instructions, including wearing a light compression garment for 6 weeks, can contribute to permanent results. Dr. Capuano will guide you on how to maintain and enjoy long-term benefits from your gynecomastia surgery. 

How much does gynecomastia surgery cost?

The cost of gynecomastia surgery can vary based on factors such as the extent of the procedure and individual requirements. During your consultation, our team will provide a personalized quote that includes all associated fees.

Is gynecomastia surgery covered by insurance?

Currently, most insurance companies do not cover the procedure. However, we can provide information on financing options.

Can gynecomastia surgery be combined with other procedures?

Yes, gynecomastia surgery can be combined with other cosmetic procedures based on your aesthetic goals. Discuss your preferences with Dr. Capuano during the consultation to explore comprehensive treatment options.

What minimally invasive or non-surgical alternatives are available for gynecomastia treatment?

Non-surgical treatments for gynecomastia may include ultrasound or laser liposuction, or other body contouring treatments. However, the effectiveness varies, and Dr. Capuano will recommend the most suitable approach based on your specific condition.

Are there age restrictions for gynecomastia surgery?

Generally, male gynecomastia surgery is performed on adults. However, individual cases may vary. Dr. Capuano will assess your eligibility during the consultation.

How soon can I schedule surgery after the initial consultation?

The timing for scheduling surgery depends on various factors, including Dr. Capuano's availability, pre-operative preparations, and your preferences. Our team will work with you to find a suitable date.

Can weight loss alone improve gynecomastia?

Weight loss may reduce overall body fat but might not specifically target glandular tissue in the chest. Gynecomastia surgery is designed to address glandular enlargement for a more sculpted appearance.

Will gynecomastia surgery affect nipple sensitivity?

Temporary changes in nipple sensitivity are common after surgery but typically resolve with time. Dr. Capuano will discuss potential changes during the consultation.

Can I see before-and-after photos of previous gynecomastia patients?

Yes, Dr. Capuano can provide before-and-after photos during your consultation to showcase his expertise and the potential outcomes of gynecomastia surgery.

How long do I need to avoid sun exposure after gynecomastia surgery?

It is advisable to minimize sun exposure on surgical areas during the initial healing phase and to always protect the surgical areas with sunscreen. Dr. Capuano will provide specific instructions regarding sun protection to ensure optimal recovery.